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Mind Movies fenomenet har gett egenmakt och styrka åt över 5,8 miljoner människor att förändra sin ekonomi, karriär, hälsa och relationer!
Observera att Mind Movies är ett verktyg på engelska.
Därför är nedanstående text om verktyget på engelska.
Dr. Joe Student discount, now 50% off!
Pris: $97,00 Ditt specialpris idag – Engångsbetalning:

Is the way you use your mind today, different from how your parents, grandparents and ancestors used theirs?
What if I told you it could be different… in all the right ways.
What if I told you there has been a scientific – yet also beautifully spiritual – breakthrough involving the mind…
That could erase virtually all the brain fog… the bad habits… the self-defeating thoughts… and even the sense of lack that may have held you back in the past?
And that could once again change everything about your human experience?
You now have the power to create your life’s greatest story.

Mind Movies is a multi-sensory technology that simplifies and streamlines your process of personal growth…
Allowing you to spark DEEP inner transformation, as easily as pressing PLAY on a video

1. You CREATE your own personalized ’Mind Movie’, using our easy creation software (anyone can do it, and it only takes a few minutes).
2. You WATCH your Mind Movie, and the visualization and affirmation technology naturally reprogram your subconscious mind to be in unison with your dreams and desires.
3. Your subconscious mind then works on autopilot to MANIFEST your desired outcomes into reality.
A story where success, affluence and well-being are your default state.
And where even your most stubborn challenges and obstacles have ZERO power over you.
What does that story look like for you?
Are you sipping ice-cold daiquiris on a warm and breezy tropical beach?
Are you carving your convertible sports car down the breathtaking slopes of Italy’s Amalfi Coast, wind in your face and love of your life by your side?
Are you growing a passion-driven career or business empire that rewards you for helping others with your gifts and talents?
Or maybe you’re just enjoying long and lazy afternoons with your loved ones, finally free of the financial, time and health worries that held you back in the past.
Whatever your story is…
Mind Movies can make this your reality – and we’d love nothing more than to PROVE that to you.

Dr Joe Student discount, now 50% off!
Price: $97,00 Your Special Price Today – one time Payment:

”As this associative memory is triggered, your brain begins reorganizing its circuitry and laying down the tracks that turn the future you visualized in your Mind Movie, into reality.”
Dr. Joe Dispenza, Neuroscientist & Author
Frequently Asked Questions
How exactly will I benefit from the Mind Movies 4.0 Creation Kit?
The Mind Movies 4.0 Creation Kit allows you to create fun and simple, yet powerful 3-minute multi-sensory ’music videos’ that reprogram your subconscious through the scientifically proven power of visualizations and affirmations. The result is peak performance in every area of life. From melting away self-doubt, to erasing stress, to boosting creativity, your Mind Movies will get your mind and the Universe itself on your side, as you manifest breakthrough after breakthrough in your career, finances, health and relationships.
I've got a busy schedule, will I really have the time for this?
If you can spare a few minutes a day to watch just one YouTube video, you’ll have time for your Mind Movies. Making your own just takes a few short minutes, and you only need to watch it for three minutes a day, either at the start of your day, before bed, or even as a mid-day pick-me-up. And as the subconscious reprogramming technology starts amplifying your productivity and energy, don’t be surprised when you find yourself having more free time throughout the day.
Will this work for me if other personal growth tools haven't worked for me in the past?
The challenge with many conventional personal growth tools is not that they’re not powerful – it’s that they require too much time and commitment. Mind Movies is a quick, fun and easy technology that anyone can use for deep transformation from the inside out, in just a few minutes a day. Our 5.8 million students range from personal growth beginners to lifelong consciousness explorers – and the vast majority agree that Mind Movies is one of, if not the most effective personal growth tool they’ve ever used.
Can I get help if I need guidance with creating or using my Mind Movies?
Absolutely! We have a trained Customer Coaching team that would love to hear from you, and help you get the most out of your Mind Movies 4.0 Creation Kit. Just email us at, and we’ll aim to get back to you within 24 hours.
How long do I have access to the software?
You get lifetime access to the software, all the bonuses, and the Mind Movies community.
Can I make and use more than one Mind Movie?
Yes, you can make as many as you like. In fact we recommend creating one 3-minute Mind Movie for every aspect of life you want to focus on, like your wealth, health, love life, family, fitness, etc.
Can I use my own photos, music and videos?
Yes, in fact we encourage you to. You can even add non-copyrighted YouTube videos to your personalized Mind Movies.
Can I download my Mind Movies to my computer, tablet or smartphone?
Yes, you can download your Mind Movies to virtually any multimedia device, and use them on the go.
What if I get it and change my mind?
You have a 60-day guarantee for total peace of mind. We want you to try the Mind Movies 4.0 Creation Kit, and make sure you like it before committing your investment. If it doesn’t work for you for whatever reason, even if you’re too busy or you just change your mind, you will be refunded in full when you notify us within 60 days of your purchase.